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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

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General requirements for the design of the article

  • The originality of the text is not lower than 75%, the rest is correct quoting.
  • Figures, diagrams and tables are placed in the text of the article, the list of references – after him. Each figure must be signed on the bottom, the title is centered. Signature example: Pic. 1. The name of the illustration.
  • Highlighting important points in the text is allowed using italics.
  • Links to scientific works - not less than 15. It is recommended to include at least half of the sources no more than five years old.
  • The list of sources does not include unpublished works, textbooks, teaching aids, dissertations, legal acts, archival materials, statistical collections, Internet resources containing databanks of coursework, non-scientific and popular science sources (Wikipedia), abstracts, etc. ., as well as notes and explanations of the author, which are placed in the text in square brackets.
  • Sources are placed in parentheses inside the article after the citation. All links to official documents, laws, fiction, Internet publications (with the exception of scientific articles in online publications), articles in the press, posts in networks are located directly in the text of the article, including a simple link to the Internet page; in the case of publications in the press, the reference is given according to the model: (Vinogradova E., Degotkova I., Tadtaev G. Soft on strong // RBC. 2022. June 29, 30/62bc12339a79470004d250bc). In the case of citing literary texts, an abbreviated description of the source is allowed (for the first time, the source is given in full, then only the author's surname, volume and page or page are indicated, for example: at the first citation (Chekhov A.P. Letter to a learned neighbor // Chekhov A.P. Complete collection of works and letters: in 30 volumes. Vol. 1. Moscow: Nauka, 1974. P. 11); with repeated citation of the same work: (Chekhov A. P. Decree. op. P. 14). If quotations are given from different works of the same author, then instead of "Decree. Op. "The first one or three words of the title of the work are given, for example: (Chekhov A.P. Letter ... P. 16). To facilitate the design of citation in the case of analyzing one work, you can limit yourself to a simple indicating the page number in brackets, for example: (p. 14)
  • Self-citing is no more than one reference to the author's works. If there are several authors, then no more than one reference to the work of each author.
  • Footnotes are not allowed.
  • Examples are issued as a quotation indicating the source (in the list of references).
  • When referring to the source in the text, the number of the source in the list and the number of the quoted page are indicated in square brackets. For example: [2. P. 56]. The article should contain references to each source included in the list of references.
  • The gap of the quotation in the text is marked <...>.
  • Author's comments inside the quotation are made as follows: “His [Ivan the Terrible. - E. P. (the initials of the name and surname of the author of the article)] was considered a despot ".
  • You can use all standard and common abbreviations. Any author's abbreviations should be explained in the first case of introduction to the text.
  • Numeric intervals are formed without spaces between numbers and a dash: 40–50.
  • The initials of the first and last names are drawn up with the help of an unbreakable space: I. V. Stalin (a combination of three keys Ctrl + Shift (simultaneous pressing) + space).
  • Materials are printed in the author's edition. The author is solely responsible for their content. We urge you to pay attention to the correctness and clarity of the formulated provisions, as well as to the syntactic and stylistic design of the work.

Requirements for the design of the bibliography in Russian

  • Sources are arranged strictly in alphabetical order (first sources in Russian, then in a foreign language). Italics or quotation marks are not used.
  • The list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.7–2021.
  • Foreign sources are drawn up in the Russian-language list of references according to the requirements of the Russian GOST.


  • Загидуллина М. В. Алгоритм мультимодального дискурс-анализа любительских видеонарративов (к вопросу о материализации идентичности) // Знак: проблемное поле медиаобразования. 2023a. № 4 (50). С. 66–78.
  • Загидуллина М. В. Социотехнические разрывы кризисных ситуаций // Динамика медиасистем. 2023b. Т.  3, вып. 1. С. 130–136.
  • Зубанова Л. Б. Мемориальная идентичность: между местом памяти и памятью мест // Челябинский гуманитарий. 2023. № 1 (62). С. 32–38.
  • Медиаэстетический компонент современной коммуникации : коллектив. моногр. / науч. ред. М. В. Загидуллина, А. К. Киклевич. Челябинск : Челяб. филиал РАНХиГС, 2020. 293 с.
  • Сафонов А. В., Топчий И. В. Система образов меморативного ландшафта археологического памятника Аркаим как фактор его популяризации // Знак: проблемное поле медиаобразования. 2023. № 4 (50). С. 102–111.
  • Симакова С. И. Аркаим как элемент символического капитала Челябинской области // Знак: проблемное поле медиаобразования. 2023. № 4 (50). С. 112–118.
  • Simakova, S., Topchii, I. (2020). Media aesthetic component in special projects of the “Arguments and Facts” edition // Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, XI/2, 499–507.

Requirements for bibliography in English

  • In the English list of references sources are arranged in the same order as in the Russian language.
  • When describing an article from a journal, first the author (s) is indicated in plain type (transliteration). All authors' names are written with a comma before the initials, separated by a comma, the last author's last name is added with the help of & (a comma is not preceded by &). Next is the year of publication in parentheses. After the point - the name of the article in bold (transliteration). After that, in square brackets - the correct translation of the article title. Then after the point - the name of the journal in italics (transliteration). Further - the official English-language name of the journal from the official website of the journal in square brackets. After the comma - the publisher, after the comma - the city, after the comma - the number (issue), after the comma - the page. If the article is assigned DOI, then it is indicated further after the point.
  • When describing a book, the author (s) shall be indicated in plain type. All authors' names are written with a comma before the initials, separated by a comma, the last author's last name is added with the help of & (a comma is not preceded by &). Next is the year of publication in parentheses. After the point - the name of the book in italics (transliteration), then in square brackets - the official name in English. After the point - the city, after the comma - the publisher, after the comma - the total number of pages.
  • When describing a part or article from a book (collection or collective monograph), the author (or authors) of the part or article is first indicated with initials after the last name in regular font. Next is the year of publication in parentheses. After the point - the name of the book (monograph) in direct font. First - transliteration, then - the official name in English in square brackets. After the point - the name of the part (chapters, articles) in italics. First - by transliteration, then in square brackets - the official name in English. After the point - the city, after the comma - the publisher. Next are the pages on which the article with the pp indication is located.


  • Zagidullina, M. V. (2023a). Algoritm mul'timodal'nogo diskurs-analiza lyubitel'skikh videonarrativov (k voprosu o materializatsii identichnosti) [Algorithm for multimodal discourse analysis of amateur video narratives (on the issue of materialization of identity)]. Znak: problemnoe pole mediaobrazovanija, 4 (50), 66–78. DOI (In Russ).
  • Zagidullina, M. V. (2023b.). Sotsiotekhnicheskie razryvy krizisnykh situatsiy [Socio-technical gaps in crisis situations]. Dinamika mediasistem, t. 3, 1, 130–136. (In Russ).
  • Zubanova, L. B. (2023). Memorial identity: between the place of memory and the memory of places // Chelyabinskij gumanitarij, 1 (62), 32–38. (In Russ).
  • Zagidullina, M. V. & Kiklevich, A. K. (Eds.) (2020). Mediaesteticheskiy komponent sovremennoy kommunikatsii [Media aesthetic component of modern communication] : collective. monograph. Chelyabinsk: Chelyab. branch of RANEPA. 293 p. (In Russ).
  • Safonov, A. V. & Topchii, I. V. (2023). Sistema obrazov memorativnogo landshafta arkheologicheskogo pamyatnika Arkaim kak faktor ego populyarizatsii [The system of images of the memorial landscape of the archaeological site Arkaim as a factor in its popularization]. Znak: problemnoe pole mediaobrazovanija, 4 (50), 102–111. DOI (In Russ).
  • Simakova, S. I. (2023). Arkaim kak element simvolicheskogo kapitala Chelyabinskoy oblasti [Arkaim as an element of the symbolic capital of the Chelyabinsk region]. Znak: problemnoe pole mediaobrazovanija, 4 (50), 112–118. DOI (In Russ).
  • Simakova, S. & Topchii, I. (2020). Media aesthetic component in special projects of the “Arguments and Facts” edition. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, XI/2, 499–507.


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